2011年12月16日 星期五

國際刑事法院人事新局 非洲戰犯會減少嗎?

國際刑事法院人事新局 非洲戰犯會減少嗎?

嚴震生  100/12/15

       今年十一月底,來自甘比亞的國際刑事法院(International Criminal Court,ICC)女性副首席檢察官班索達(Fatou Bensouda),才與阿根廷籍首席檢察官歐坎波(Luis Moreno Ocampo)抵達的黎波里(Tripoli)與利比亞的國家過渡委員會(National Transitional Council)討論強人格達費(Muammar Gaddafi)之子在 ICC 受審的可能性。三週之後,羅馬規約(Rome Statute)締約國大會(Assembly of State Parties)已經無異議通過她的任命,明年將由班索達接替任滿的歐坎波,成為 ICC 史上第二位首席檢察官。

        國際刑事法院是根據羅馬規約(Rome Statute of the International Court)成立於二○○二年,歐坎波在次年就出任首席檢察官,九年任期即將結束。他行事大膽,作風高調,時常引發國際爭議,也招致許多批評。外界對歐坎波最大的批判是 ICC 設立以來所有起訴或是通緝的對象皆來自非洲國家,其中烏干達、剛果和中非共和國是由此三國本身提出,蘇丹和利比亞則是有聯合國安理會的授權,肯亞和象牙海岸是歐坎波主動展開調查後起訴者。

        剛果的盧班加(Thomas Lubanga)是ICC第一個起訴的戰爭罪犯,他是剛果內戰(一九九八─二○○三)中一支叛軍的領導人,罪名是「大規模族群屠殺、謀殺、酷刑、強暴、殘害、及強徵兒童兵」(ethnic massacres, murder, torture, rape and mutilation, as well as the recruitment of child soldiers);中非共和國的起訴對象則是二○○二─二○○三年間對平民犯下強暴等性犯罪(sexual crime)的鄰國剛果另一支叛軍領導人班巴(Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo);烏干達的叛軍─上帝抵抗軍(Lord’s Resistance Army,LRA)領導人孔尼(Joseph Kony)和其幾位黨羽則是因違反人類罪行(crime against humanity)及強行徵召兒童兵等三十三項罪名遭到歐坎波的通緝。

        這三個案子都是由這些國家的政府提出者,前兩者多少是政府藉由外力來懲治叛軍,盧班加是先遭 ICC 通緝、再被政府逮捕,則是因其在中非共和國犯下的罪行遭 ICC 通緝,再被比利時政府逮捕移交。後者同樣是由烏干達政府提出,但即使美國在今年十月派了百人的作戰部隊協助捉拿孔尼,但截自目前為止,仍無法將其緝捕送審。

        二○○八年歐坎波對因在達佛地區犯下種族滅絕(genocide)及戰爭罪行(war crime)的蘇丹總統巴席爾(Omar al Bashir),發出逮捕令(arrest warrant),巴席爾也曾為首位受此屈辱的在任總統。儘管歐坎波的獨斷行動遭到質疑,但至少他還獲得北約(NATO)及國際特赦組織(Amnesty International)等的支持,聯合國安理會的一五九三號決議亦要求蘇丹政府與ICC合作。巴席爾當然不會將自己交給ICC,阿拉伯聯盟(Arabic League)和非洲聯盟(African Union)都拒絕接受歐坎波的主張,因此當巴席爾到卡達和埃及訪問時,地主國並未將其逮捕,交給ICC。繼巴席爾後,ICC在二月獲得聯合國安理會的授權調查,於六月對另一位在任領導人─利比亞強人格達費(Muammar Gaddafi)發出通緝令,但因他在今年十月已死在戰場,因此未來的起訴對象將是他的兒子和其他政府官員。

        以上五個案例或是由衝突受害國家本身提出要求,或是獲得聯合國安理會授權,還能為非洲國家所接受,但肯亞和象牙海岸的通緝則是來自於歐坎波的「勇於任事」。肯亞二○○七─二○○八年的總統大選引發爭議,導致族群衝突及殘殺無辜,造成一千五百人死亡。沒有來自肯亞政府的要求、亦缺乏聯合國安理會的授權,但歐坎波還是在去年底提出六個嫌犯的名單,包括肯亞國父肯亞塔(Jomo Kenyatta)之子、現任副總理暨財政部長的烏胡魯‧肯亞塔(Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta),此六位遭起訴者統稱「歐坎波六人組」(The Ocampo Six)。在他們接受審判後,判決結果最遲將於明年初公佈。

        ICC 在十月展開對象牙海岸去年底至今年四月因選舉結果爭議引發內戰中的各項刑事責任,去年選舉落敗但拒絕下台的前總統巴博(Laurent Gbagbo)在內戰中失利後,原先已被軟禁,但歐坎波決定以違反人類罪行等四項罪名將其起訴,並於十一月底逮捕巴博送往海牙受審。

        由於這七個案例都是非洲的政府領導人或叛軍領袖,讓非洲國家質疑 ICC 的公理是否僅針對非洲而來。非洲聯盟委員會主席讓平(Jean Ping)直接表示:「非洲大陸不反對ICC的正義,但我們反對歐坎波的(正義)。」,並舉例許多違反國際人道的事件並不發生在非洲,但ICC從未起訴像緬甸等國家的官員與元首。過去九年ICC讓非洲在國際的形象受到嚴重損害。未來幾年,ICC還有象牙海岸、蘇丹、利比亞、烏干達、與肯亞的重要案件要處理,新一任ICC的首席檢察官身分對國際人道法在非洲的接受程度,勢必有深遠影響。

        非洲聯盟在今年十二月國際刑事法院締約國大會前就公開支持來自非洲的首席檢察官候選人。雖然非洲本次在候選人名單中還有坦尚尼亞的法務部長,但班索達擁有盧安達國際刑事法庭(International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda,ICTR)服務的經驗,從二○○四年至今起更於ICC擔任歐坎波的副手,也更受到各個羅馬規約締約國的支持。在新任首席檢察長人選的競逐中,能夠擊敗五十一位競爭對手,獲得一百一十九個成員國的共識與支持,為實至名歸。南非媒體 Daily Maverick 甚至稱她為:「能在非洲拯救 ICC 的女性」。

        另一個重點是班索達在甘比亞的國內政治背景,她是甘比亞第一位國際海洋法的專家。在進入ICC和ICTR以前,更在商業銀行擔任總經理,資歷豐富。一九九八年,她擔任過一九九四年經軍事政變奪權成功的甘比亞總統賈梅(Yahya Jammeh)民選政府的法務部長,直到兩千年被賈梅開除。

賈梅在位的十七年間,不斷鎮壓與騷擾反對勢力和媒體。未來班索達在 ICC 擔任首席檢察官時,是否會回頭懲處賈梅的罪行?或者一旦賈梅遭起訴,時任政府職位的班索達也會有連帶責任?明年一月歐坎波正式卸任後,這些都相當值得觀察。

【2011-12-15 聯合新聞網】

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2011年10月22日 星期六





張貼者:昱誠 TA


[台灣商報] 20111019

張五岳 (淡江大學中國大陸研究所所長 台灣競爭力論壇兩岸經貿互動組召集人)




再則,筆者認為馬總統提出對此一議題也凸顯出,對於兩岸和平協議的商談有其階段性,但並無具體時間表。所謂的階段性除了要滿足上述三個馬總統所提出的前提要件外,總統也明確提出這並非當務之急,馬總統一再強調「政府推動兩岸關係一向有一個重要原則,就是循序漸進,也就是『先急後緩、先易後難、先經後政』」,和平協議的議題並非『急』迫的議題,也非容『易』的議題,更非『經』濟的議題,而是政治的議題,因此,此一議題能否開展,既要取決兩岸的良性動,更繫乎台灣內部對於此一議題的共識。 雖然台海的政治和平穩定,攸關到兩岸經貿發展與社會的交流。但未來兩岸要簽署和平協議必然要有效處理:一是涉及相互定位的政治歧見,二是避免戰爭衝突的軍事互信,三是涉及敏感的兩岸國際空間互動。上述三個問題在當前兩岸的政治互動與台灣內部朝野互動,均非短期內就可以有效解決。因此,馬總統提出此一重要願景,會加上這麼多的主客觀條件,自然不會讓人感到意外。

出處: http://news.sina.com.tw/article/20111020/4756369.html

張貼者:昱誠 TA

和平協議 台灣要掌發球權(甘逸驊)






【2011/10/19 聯合報】http://udn.com/    A15版

出處: http://udn.com/NEWS/OPINION/X1/6660879.shtml

張貼者: 昱誠 TA

規劃和平條約 而非和平協議(姜皇池)



就個人專業所知,國際實踐中,用以處理和平問題的法律文件,至少包括:「和平條約」(peace treaty)、「停戰協定」(armistice)、「停火協定」(ceasefire agreement or truce)與「和平協議」(peace accords)等等。 
置於台灣個案事實考量,則發現:(一)台海間並無實際武裝衝突,遑論停止武裝衝突迫切性;(二)台海狀態是中國內戰與冷戰等複雜國內與國際因素所造成,若是簽署單純所謂「和平協議」,則是將台灣與中國間目前或未來之衝突,定性為中國內戰之延續,純屬中國「內部事務」(domestic jurisdiction),國際組織或第三國介入之法律障礙將因此提高,亦將使美國對台灣軍售喪失國際合法性與正當性;(三)「中華民國政府」面對在中國內戰中獲勝之「中華人民共和國政府」,特別「中華人民共和國政府」已是方今舉世所承認之中國唯一合法政府,若簽署「和平協議」,又無力讓「中華民國政府」成為中國唯一合法政府,如此在國際法定位上,將使「中華民國政府」成為「中國武裝叛亂團體」。 



出處:  http://tw.nextmedia.com/applenews/article/art_id/33753064/IssueID/20111020

張貼者:昱誠  TA

2011年9月24日 星期六

Why the U.N. cannot create Palestine


Editor's note: David Makovsky is the Ziegler Distinguished Fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, where he directs the Project on the Middle East Peace Process. He is also an adjunct lecturer in Middle Eastern studies at Johns Hopkins University's Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies.

(CNN) -- The U.N. speeches of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are behind us. There are doubts that Abbas will even be able to secure the necessary nine of 15 votes in the U.N. Security Council to support a resolution on statehood, regardless of the expected U.S. veto.

But the resolution raises another question. If the United Nations created Israel in the past, why shouldn't it create the state of Palestine today?

This argument bears a certain allure, but does not apply in today's context. A dignified two-state solution for Palestinians and Israelis can only be reached by an agreement between the two sides to end their tragic conflict.

The United Nations created the state of Israel in 1947 because Britain sought an exit from the region. Its resources and energies depleted by World War II, London was no longer interested in shouldering its post- World War I responsibilities as the mandate power to administer the territory. Britain had committed itself in 1917 to a "national Jewish home" in what became known as the Balfour Declaration, which it then used its internationally backed mandate to effect. But Britain soon tired of being caught in the middle of conflicting Jewish and Arab nationalism.

David Makovsky
David Makovsky

In 1947, Britain sought the assistance of the newly founded United Nations to make its exit from this part of the Middle East. Today, however, Israelis and Palestinians cannot do the same. In a two-state solution, they will be living together in a very narrow swath of territory -- the two states will measure merely 50 miles wide from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River.

Yet, if there is an overriding lesson from the 1947 U.N. vote, it is that the perfect should not be the enemy of the good.

It was the pragmatism of the Jewish advocates -- known as Zionists -- that enabled their success. In 1947, the U.N. called for a two-state solution that would divide the land between the Jews and the Arabs. Neither side would be fully satisfied by this arrangement, but it at least addressed some of their concerns.

Despite the resolution's call for internationalizing Jerusalem, mainstream Zionists accepted what became known as the Partition Plan. Although domestic critics attacked this camp, led by David Ben-Gurion and Chaim Weizmann, for its moderation, members evinced considerable political courage and were not deterred. In contrast, the Arab camp viewed the Partition Plan as unjust in its call to share the territory, as they believed that the Zionists had no right to the land whatsoever.

The Zionists accepted half the loaf, and despite Arabs attacking it on the day of its birth, Israel flourished. Because the Arabs refused its half of the loaf, Palestine was never born.

The Palestinians missed a similar opportunity for statehood in 2000, when Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat rejected what became known as the Clinton Parameters, and again in 2008, when Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert offered President Abbas a deal that was even more generous. To this day, Abbas has never explained why he refused Olmert's offer, raising the question of whether the Palestinians will ever accept any deal.

It is for this reason that Israelis often quote their legendary statesman Abba Eban, declaring that "the Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. "

Today, it is the Netanyahu government that is being flogged with the Eban dictum, but the only Palestinian alternative to Abbas is the radical Hamas.

Netanyahu finds this choice unfair, because he believes he has consistently begged Abbas to return to negotiations, yet Abbas has only agreed to do so for two weeks in the past two and a half years. Netanyahu suspects a direct correlation between 1947, 2000, 2008, and today: that Palestinians are avoiding peace as a favorable track to statehood.

Meanwhile, given his suspicion of Netanyahu's intentions, Abbas fears that any resumption of negotiations would inevitably meander, damaging his popularity among the Palestinian people. This is one of the reasons why he is appealing to the United Nations.

One proposal to put talks back on track, under discussion behind the scenes, is that negotiations be guided by President Obama's key Middle East speeches in May, seeking to solve borders with land exchanges, as well as security arrangements and mutual recognition, which would lend structure and direction to the process. There are signs that Netanyahu and Abbas are seriously considering this option. Netanyahu hinted to it in Friday's speech, and this seems to be the direction of the long-awaited statement from the Quartet for MIddle East Peace -- calling for intensified talks -- released on Friday afternoon.

The circumstances surrounding the Palestinian bid at the U.N. are very different from those surrounding the British appeal in 1947. Neither the Palestinians nor the Israelis are seeking to exit the region. The United Nations drama is misplaced: Peace needs to be made in the Middle East, not the Northeast. The suspicions and historical claims of both sides can only be resolved between them, as they will be the ones who must live with the results.

The leaders of both sides should look to 1947 for a lesson on the importance of political pragmatism, rather than an all-or-nothing approach. As President Obama said this week at the U.N., there are no shortcuts to peace.
The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of David Makovsky.




【2011/09/24 聯合報】 @ http://udn.com/

2011年5月30日 星期一

怕索賠 日考慮加盟核災公約


2011.05.29 01:28 pm













【2011/05/29 中央社】 @ http://udn.com/

2011年5月28日 星期六

國際法庭重釋神廟判決 泰捍衛

柬埔寨要求國際法庭重新解釋1962年對普里維希神廟(Preah Vihear)的判決。此案30日將在荷蘭海牙開庭,泰國外交部長卡席特(Kasit Piromya)將率領法律團隊前往捍衛立場。
泰國外交部發言人塔尼(Thani Thongphakdi)今天表示,卡席特30日、31日將出席法院聽證會,泰方預期法庭會在1到3星期內針對柬埔寨臨時命令的訴求,做出裁決。
另外,泰國看守總理艾比希(Abhisit Vejjajiva)指出,柬埔寨要求管理神廟周圍地區的計畫,聯合國教育、科學、文化組織(UNESCO)可能會延後審議。
【2011/05/27 中央社】 http://udn.com/

2011年2月27日 星期日


法新社紐約聯合國總部26日電) 聯合國(UN)安全理事會今天緊急開會,通過決議對利比亞獨夫格達費(Moamer Kadhafi)制裁,以懲罰他下令血腥鎮壓示威民眾。
  但是聯合國秘書長潘基文(Ban Ki-moon)對安理會15個會員國施壓,強調若不及時採取「具體行動」,將會傷及更多人命。
  法國和英國是決議文草案的主導國,法國駐聯合國大使阿勞德(Gerard Araud)說:「在武器禁運和制裁方面,各國意見相同,檯面上唯一分歧議題是把格達費送交ICC審理。」
  英國駐聯合國大使葛蘭特(Mark Lyall Grant)也說,利比亞鎮壓是否觸犯人道罪,引發多項爭論。
  達佛(Darfur)大屠殺案是安理會唯一送交ICC審理的爭議。蘇丹總統巴席爾(Omar al-Bashir)後來以戰爭罪和種族屠殺罪遭起訴。
  隨後利比亞駐聯合國大使沙格翰也把格達費形容成德國的希特勒(Adolf Hitler)、柬埔寨的波布(PolPot)和蘇聯的史達林(Joseph Stalin),並籲請安理會採取行動制止格達費的「暴行」。

2011年2月25日 星期五

Lessons Learned from the Philippines Extradition Row



The jurisdiction dispute that arose after the Philippines deported 14 Taiwanese nationals suspected of fraud to China for crimes against Chinese nationals indicates Taiwan's challenges in maintaining ties with Southeast Asian countries, despite improved cross-strait relations.

Taiwan's relations, especially in trade with Southeast Asia, regressed after the Democratic Progressive Party came to power in 2000 due to increased tensions with China.

As Taiwan's relations with China have a great influence on the island's trade with Southeast Asia, which improved after the cross-strait economic cooperation framework agreement was signed in 2010, Taiwan cannot afford to see relations worsen as its economic strength could again be undermined.

Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) should be held responsible for its slow reaction to the current dispute since it did not have first-hand information about the arrests involving the Taiwanese nationals last December.

While Taiwan has to protest against the Philippines bowing down to China's demands to hand over the Taiwanese suspects, the MOFA should work on building closer ties with Southeastern Asian countries, particularly in trade, education and culture, even though Taiwan and China have ceased the fight for diplomatic allies.

Chinese pressure to extradite the Taiwanese suspects is understandable, since Taiwan had ruled in a similar previous case that the defendants were innocent, which meant the Chinese victims are unable to seek compensation. Fraud is a felony that carries a sentence of 10 years to life imprisonment in China, while the maximum jail term for the same crime is five years in Taiwan.

However, since Taiwan and China have different human rights standards, the location of the trial has a significant impact on the rights of the accused Taiwanese nationals.

Taiwan should make it clear to China that the island is toughening its stand against crime with heavier sentences in order to prevent similar disputes in the future, especially since both sides signed a judicial cooperation agreement in 2009.

Taiwan should also be credited for its restrained official reaction to the matter, focusing only on the return of the Taiwanese suspects. It would increase trust between the two sides if China hands back the Taiwanese nationals to stand trial in Taiwan after it completes its own investigation.

(issued by TA wei-en)

Warning: old stone temples can start wars

甫里維哈寺位於泰國與柬埔寨之間邊界山脈中一塊高地(Dangrek)上,根據1904年暹羅(泰國舊稱)和法國(當時柬埔寨是法國的保護地)之間的一項條約規定,雙方同意有關此山脈邊界線之劃定,應沿著分水嶺線為之。兩國為此另設立了一個混合委員會,礙於技術因素,當時泰國政府委託由法國調查隊來負責繪製該地區地圖的工作。1908年地圖繪製完成,當時泰國政府收到此地圖時即已發現古寺被標註在柬埔寨的領域內(即山脈分水嶺的另一邊),但卻未表明任何異議(直到1935年)。1953年柬埔寨獨立之後,新政府試圖在該地區確立其領土主權,但因泰國派駐軍隊於古寺,效果有限。1959年10月,柬埔寨向國際法院提起訴訟,請求法院宣告古寺的領土主權屬於柬埔寨,泰國應將其駐紮於古寺的武裝部隊撤離。法院先於1961年確立對本案的管轄權,接著在1962年對本案進行實質審理與裁決,判定古寺是屬於柬埔寨。(issued by TA wei-en)

Thai-Cambodian conflictFeb 10th 2011

SITTING on her straw mat, Pisamai Poonsuk recalls how her family of ten fled their border village in a pickup truck soon after the shells began falling. After staying the night with relatives, the family moved into a temporary camp. Ms Pisamai, a cassava farmer, is waiting for the all-clear to go home. She prays the ceasefire will hold between the Thai and Cambodian soldiers ranged along a disputed border. She has little time for Thai jingoism. “We should trade with the Cambodians. We should be brothers.”

Fat chance. The clashes that erupted on February 4th were the fiercest since July 2008, when the two armies first began rumbling at each other in the vicinity of Preah Vihear, an 11th-century Khmer temple that Cambodia wants to develop for mass tourism. Six people died and dozens more were injured during four days of fighting. The temple itself was only slightly damaged. Each side accuses the other of firing first into populated areas.

Though the shelling has stopped, any ceasefire remains fragile as long as nationalists in both countries keep stoking the dispute. Thailand’s prime minister, Abhisit Vejjajiva, faces street protests by the ultra-conservative People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) over his alleged failure to defend Thai soil. Cambodia’s prime minister, Hun Sen, does not tolerate protests but is sensitive to claims of lost sovereignty. He quickly castigated war-mongering Thailand and called for UN peacekeepers on the border.

It is not the first time that an ancient temple has bred violence. In 2003 anti-Thai riots erupted in Phnom Penh after a Thai actress was misquoted as saying that Angkor Wat, which appears on the Cambodian flag, belonged to Thailand. On February 8th PAD leaders said that Thai troops should threaten to invade, forcing a return of Preah Vihear. To Cambodians, resentful of being pushed around by big neighbours, this is bully-boy stuff.

In 1962 the World Court ruled that Preah Vihear, which sits on a ridge, was on Cambodian soil. But it did not rule on overlapping claims to the temple’s hinterland. In 2008 UNESCO listed the temple as a World Heritage site, to the delight of Cambodia’s tourist industry. The PAD cried foul over what it claimed was a loss of Thai territory. The controversy became a pretext for marathon protests that helped topple an elected government and sweep Mr Abhisit into power. Now the PAD vows to topple its erstwhile ally.

Despite international concern, Mr Hun Sen’s plea for UN intervention seems a non-starter. Thailand insists that bilateral talks can resolve the border dispute and rejects outside mediation. This did not stop Indonesia from dipping a toe into the row. It currently holds the rotating chair of the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN), to which the two feuding parties belong (see Banyan). Its foreign minister, Marty Natalegawa, flew to both capitals this week for talks. But, an ASEAN diplomat sniffs, Indonesia should keep its own ambitions in check, lest the tables are turned in future. Nobody wants anyone “meddling in his own affairs”, he says. So much for Ms Pisamai’s brotherhood.

A sea of disputes

這是有關國家間爭端領土的問題,剛好與老師下週開始要談的國家領域有關。台灣也是這起爭端中的一造,值得大家關注。(issued by TA wei-en)

Feb 21st 2011, 8:44 by Banyan

TWO truths about the disputes in the South China Sea are well-recognised: they are extremely complex, and much misunderstood. An illuminating day-long conference at the Institute of South-East Asian Studies in Singapore on February 18th brought home a third. There is no realistic prospect of a settlement in the foreseeable future. The best that can be hoped is to manage the disputes without any resort to armed conflict.

Part of the difficulty is that the dispute has so many aspects—or rather there are so many separate disputes. The territorial issue that receives so much attention is itself a plethora of different and overlapping claims. China and Vietnam claim sovereignty over the Paracel island chain, from which China evicted Vietnam in 1974, in the dying days of the Vietnam war. Taiwan—because it is the “Republic of China”—mirrors China’s claim, so that huge unresolved dispute also has a bearing on this one. The same three parties also claim the Spratly archipelago, to the south. But in the south, Malaysia, the Philippines and Brunei also have partial claims.

Some of these arguments might in theory be soluble under the United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), established in 1982. Some of the parties have tried to align their claim with UNCLOS. In 2009, for example, Malaysia and Vietnam made a joint submission, showing where they thought their claims lay, based on their continental shelves. This implied that the Spratlys—a collection of reefs, rocks and tiny islands—were all too small to support human habitation and hence have their own exclusive economic zones (EEZs) under UNCLOS.

China, however, objected to that submission and tabled its own map, with nine dotted lines outlining its claim. Joined up, the dotted lines give it not just the two chains, but almost the whole sea. There seems to be no basis for this in UNCLOS. But China points to history. It says the map has been in use since the Republic of China published it in 1946, and, until quite recently, nobody minded. Indonesia, in turn, subsequently objected to China’s objection, which gave China a claim over some Indonesian waters, too. According to American officials, China has upped the ante by talking of its territorial claims in the South China Sea as a “core” national interest, on a par with Tibet and Taiwan.

There is a huge amount at stake. Besides fisheries, the sea, particularly around the Spratlys, is believed to be enormously rich in hydrocarbons. The lure of such riches ought to make it attractive to devise joint-development mechanisms so that all could benefit. In practice, the resources potentially available make it even harder for any country to moderate its claim.

The sea is also a vital shipping route, accounting for a big chunk of world trade. It is the importance of the freedom of navigation and of overflight that has given America its pretext for louder involvement. This was initially welcomed by the members of the Association of South-East Asian Nations when voiced at a regional forum in Hanoi in July last year, So fiercely did China object to America’s rather disingenuous offer of “mediation”, however, that some countries may now be ruing it.

So a second related dispute is between two regional superpowers: China and America. In particular, America and China differ over whether military activities are permissible in another country's EEZ. America insists they are. China objects to them and has on occasion harassed America’s spy planes and survey ships.

A third dispute is between China and ASEAN. These two reached a common “Declaration on Conduct” (DoC) in 2002 in an attempt to minimise the risk of conflict. But efforts to turn it into a formal and binding code have got nowhere, partly because of China’s anger at ASEAN’s attempts to develop a common approach.

China argues that ASEAN has no role in territorial issues, and insists on negotiating with the other claimants bilaterally. ASEAN sees this as an effort to pick off its members one by one. It argues that its own charter forces members to consult, as they do before each working group on the code of conduct (the next one is due in March).

Optimists point out that, distant though any settlement seems to be, at least the DoC has helped keep tensions down. Indeed, since 1988, when China and Vietnam clashed near the Spratlys, there have been no serious armed flare-ups. Tension rose in 1995, when China was found to have built on Mischief Reef, claimed by the Philippines. Fishermen are sometimes locked up for encroaching in another country’s claim. But the risk of escalation into conflict has seemed limited.

It is even possible to claim that the “self-restraint” the DoC calls for is being observed, since no new uninhabited islands or rocks have been occupied. However, that may be because none of those that is left is remotely big enough, and on those that were already occupied, building has continued, in some cases as if the claimants hope to turn rocks, or even “low-tide elevations”, into real islands—a practice not recognised under UNCLOS.

In their complexity, the South China Sea disputes provide material for endless scholarly bickering. Now that America has made it a focus for its re-engagement in Asia’s seas as a superpower and guarantor of the peace, and China has made clear it resents this, they also present some serious risks.