2010年4月16日 星期五

課務公告: 982國際公法分組報告名單

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國際環境法專題-美加鍊礦所餘跡仲裁案(Trail Smelter Arbitration Case, The United States of America v. Canada) (5/5)

法律三 96601035 陳成翰

法律三 96601061 顏嘉慶

法律三 96601066 劉世羣

法律三 96601092 李文陽

法律三 96601112 陳文澤

法律三 96601145 張宇脩

法律三 96601074 葉泓志

法律三 96601050 鄭崇孝

國際經貿法專題-中國毛巾傾銷案 (5/12)

法三甲 96601103 李美萱

法三甲 96601073 林育嫻

法三甲 96601115 方含宇

法三乙 96601011 周庭安

企三甲 96305065 黃靖文

國際海洋法專題-2001年國際法院「卡達與巴林間海洋劃界及領土問題案」(Maritime Delimitation and Territorial Questions between Qatar and Bahrain, Qatar v. Bahrain)  (6/2)

法三甲 96601106 陳虹米

法三乙 96601077 張雅淳

法律三 96601069 劉芳妤

法律三 96601097 張維真

法律三 96601127 方筱涵

法三甲 96209040 呂佩娟

法學四 95601008 黃則馨

國際人權法專題-盧安達種族屠殺事件 (6/9)

法律三 96202002 顏碩瑋

政治四 95202040 王晨瀚

法律四 94202010 謝志遠

民族四 95209041 林芳儀

法三丙 96601048 吳政緯


2010年4月13日 星期二

British Campaigners Threaten Pope With Arrest

British Author and Campaigner Richard Dawkins Argues That the Pope Does Not Have Immunity From Prosecution



British author and atheist campaigner Richard Dawkins will try to have Pope Benedict arrested to face questions over the Catholic church's child abuse scandal when he visits Britain later this year, one of his lawyers said Sunday.

Dawkins, a scientist and outspoken critic of religion, has asked human rights lawyers to examine whether charges could be brought against the pope.

The four-day trip, from September 16 to 19, will be the first papal visit since Pope John Paul II's pastoral visit in 1982 and is the first official papal visit to Britain.

The Catholic church has rejected claims the pope helped to cover up abuse by priests and the Vatican has accused the media of waging a "despicable campaign of defamation" against him.

Dawkins and the English journalist Christopher Hitchens have commissioned lawyers Geoffrey Robertson and Mark Stephens to explore ways of taking legal action against the pope.

In an email to Reuters, Stephens said there are three possible approaches: a complaint to the International Criminal Court in the Netherlands, a private or public prosecution "for crimes against humanity" or a civil case.

They will argue that the pope does not have diplomatic immunity from prosecution as a head of state because the Vatican has "permanent observer status" at the United Nations rather than full membership and voting rights.

Dawkins, author of "The God Delusion" and "The Selfish Gene," told the Sunday Times newspaper that he suspected child abuse by church members had been covered up.

Hitchens, who published a book in 2007 called "God Is Not Great: The Case Against Religion," said: "This man is not above or outside the law. The institutionalized concealment of child abuse is a crime under any law."

Critics have accused Benedict of negligence in handling abuse cases in previous roles as a cardinal in his native Germany, and in Rome.

The Vatican has denied any cover-up over the abuse of 200 deaf boys in the United States. The pope has not commented directly on the wave of sexual abuse allegations that has shaken the church around the world, including the United States, Ireland, Italy and Germany.

(Reporting by Peter Griffiths; Editing by Michael Roddy)

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